Monday, 12 February 2018

Choose your dreams

We've grown to learn of humans who've traversed the space of life, making indelible footprints in the sands of time. They didn't pass through on auto pilot. They had aspirations that determined their destinations and expected trajectory. This inner desire to excel, set their field of enterprise, ensuring they stay on course even derailing circumstances occur.
Without a dream, you may be living a fake life or possibly living another man's life. Your dream is your life purpose, your unique calling which sets you apart in the midst of all. You are best at it. It makes you feel inner peace, your joy knows no bounds each time you engage in it. You unconsciously exhibit it in thoughts, words, attitudes. It defines your association. Whenever you are drawn away from it, you feel a deep void until you find your steps back to it. It has its roots in your maker.
This may or may not be tied to your source of income. You can make money because of it but you can easily sacrifice money because of it, you can't sacrifice it for money. Many may misunderstand you at first but will eventually come to terms with the gifts you bear later. Remember, you have to own and be passionate about it before you can sell it to others.
Having a life starts from finding your dreams.

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