A mirror by literal definition is an object that provides a reflection of what is placed before it. Figuratively, a mirror can also be a someone.
In your strive for success, you need that someone who can help unravel you. I think a mentor is the best fit for this description. Due to the fact that most times, people we looked up to as symbols often disappoint, it's important to choose rightly, because you are expected to lay yourself bare before the mirror for you to get a true view. How do you make the right pick.
- Reflection: You have to see a lot of yourself in this person. This helps to create a bond.
- Attention: Just as it's required of you to constantly present yourself before the mirror for constant evaluation, it's also pertinent that the mirror is available to fulfill this role. This person must have time to listen to and observe you for scrutiny.
- Integrity: Can you hold this person by his/her words. Can you match his/her actions and words side by side. You need someone that will always give you an unbiased opinion of you. Mirrors don't tell lies.
- Influence: The larger the mirror the better the reflection and acceptance of output. Your mentor has to be an authority in one or many aspects of life so as to give you deep introspection at each encounter.
- Suiting: Apart from showing you a true reflection, a mirror makes you appreciate and love you. Your mentor should be someone who magnifies your little victories to make you feel good about yourself.
- Strength: We are all humans but there are those who've developed abilities to bear. Your mentor should be someone who doesn't just point at your pitfall, he/she lends you the psychological, physical, and possible material strength to deal with it. You can climb on his or her shoulder without breaking it.
Note: These are personal extrospection. Your contribution is welcome in the comment box.
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